Thursday, February 21, 2008

long, long, long

This week won't end. And it's been a strange one as well. I've been back into the habit of running once again but I couldn't do it the past few days because I've been getting home too late and the streets aren't really lit up in my neighborhood. The last thing I need is to fall in an irrigation ditch or some other ambiguous stream of water that runs not far from my apartment. Work has been really slow the past few days. A bunch of classes were cancelled (due to bad behavior of the students) and I've been sitting around reading about New Zealand. However, there have been some highlights. One of note was yesterday when a fellow teacher asked me, "Brad, how much" This, of course, led to a lively conversation. This is at the same school where the vice principal randomly gave me a bottle of kintoki (sweet potato) flavored liquor because I think I mentioned at some point that I'd like to try it. Another amusing thing that happened today is the reaction that I got when I signed a receipt in front of some teachers. I guess signatures aren't really hand-written here so it must have been crazy to see the pen move with such quick and unfamiliar strokes. A whole group of teachers gasped and then clapped after seeing me do it.

Tomorrow is finally Friday and I'm catching a ride out west with Jill to attend a sake festival in Ikeda. Other than that event I just want to sit around and maybe watch a movie and cook some good food. Raging Bull came in the mail the other day so I'll be throwing that in my backpack before taking off. Less than one month 'til vacation and I am counting down the days.


Caitlin said...

About that New Zealand trip. I am excited and all but, you know ... traveling alone is cool ... people do it ... I can do it too.

brad said...

"Hmmm, OK. So, yeah...traveling alone. I can do this. People do this..."

eh? nan de?

naruto-shi, tokushima-ken, Japan
teaching my native tongue on the world famous island of shikoku, japan.