What a good day. Culture festivals are a great chance to get to know the students and faculty at your schools and I was hoping to be able to converse a good deal because I was taking part in the events of the day. Wow, I shouldn't have worried because I feel like I talked to almost everyone there.

These guys insisted that I take their picture and of course I was happy to do so. The student on the right did karaoke for what seemed like an hour on the main stage...his wig blew off about two songs into the routine.

Every homeroom either sold food or had games that you'd pay money to play. I was given multiple cups of french fries and small pancakes (they have a name but I forget what it is) and felt obligated to eat all of it in front of the students who were watching to see if I'd like it.

One of the first performances of the day was a group of teachers and students who did a dance to some really crazy, loud, fast techno music. As with many things in Japan I didn't understand it but enjoyed it anyway.

A big crowd started to gather once my band was up. I soon realized that we were the main attraction of the day.

We played and sounded great. I didn't mess up at all which was good.

Well, I can truly say that after I played with the band that there were students fighting for my attention. It was great because I got to learn some more names and become more of a familiar face to my students.

After the festival I took off on my new bike and headed out to pick up some things for dinner. Having a nice bike has made me so happy...my travel time has been greatly reduced and I can sleep in more on weekdays without worrying about giving myself an hour to get to my schools that are far away.

New bike.

Old bike.

On my way home I stopped at the sports park and happened upon some archery.

And I finally stopped at one of the temples that's only minutes from my apartment.
Yeah, it was a good Sunday for sure.
Wow! I am so envious that you get to teach the Japanese Jordan Catalano (see boy in white jacket) English!
brad you make me wanna come to japan...even though they might be highschool students, and I am turning 24 soon (like caitlin) can you set me up with one of the hotties in your band? get back to me.
molly, come to japan and meet my bandmates. they are funny and they think i am the best drummer ever.
done. brad I will be there shortly, alert them of my arrival. I am the best tambourine player ever...
sweet bike! i bought one here, too, but korea's not a very friendly biking country, as you probably saw when you were here. i often think i'm going to get run over when I'm on the sidewalk! be careful, even if they're not as crazy in japan.
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