Sunday, June 22, 2008

summertime in shikoku

So, it does not feel like June 26th at ALL right now. I've been busy and my trip back home is rapidly approaching...

Summer is a good time of the year for being here because there's a LOT of things going on. I've been having having a packed schedule which has been good for keeping me out of my usually hot and humid apartment. Here's an example of last week's activities:

6/16- Bike ride from Natuto through Aizumi, Itano, and some other small towns.
6/17- Getting udon with a Japanese friend and then discovering an awesome new park (and campground) by the airport.
6/18- 20k bike ride with Sarah and then night swimming at the beach.
6/19- Homemade sashimi dinner with Miori sensei and her husband.
6/20- Tempura and sushi dinner with Hiroko, Taka, and Rikuto.
6/21- Candlelight Japanese/Malaysian song concert with Miori sensei.
6/22- Clothes swap and then guitar recital in Kitajima.

As June's rapidly ending I'm not complaining because I kind of feel like I need to get out of Japan once again. And this time I won't need to buy a guidebook for where I'm going.

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eh? nan de?

naruto-shi, tokushima-ken, Japan
teaching my native tongue on the world famous island of shikoku, japan.